Northwoods' Invasive Species Poster Contest (posted September 27, 2024)


This Contest had its humble beginning in 2012 when it was the Oneida County Aquatic Invasive Species Poster Contest. That year we welcomed 82 posters. Since then, we have grown in the number of posters received and have expanded our contest to include invasive species not only in the water, but also on land, and in wetlands. In addition, we now welcome ALL students throughout Wisconsin. Invasive species do not recognize county lines and neither should this contest!

Contest Format


  1. Grade 4
  2. Grade 5
  3. Grade 6
  4. Grade 7 & 8


A panel of judges, with backgrounds in the arts and sciences, will determine the winners. Judging will take place during the week of May 5-9, 2025. Judge’s decisions are final. Winners will be notified by e-mail. All posters or photos of posters become the property of the Oneida County Land & Water Conservation Department. All qualifying entries will be on display in the rotunda and adjacent hallways on the 2nd floor in the Oneida County Courthouse, and will remain there throughout the month of June in honor of Invasive Species Action Month.

Judging Criteria

How to Enter

Poster entries (with entry forms taped to the back) may be dropped off or mailed to the Land Conservation Office at 837 Clermont St., Antigo WI 54409 or a photo of the poster and entry form can be eamiled to When taking a picture please fill the picture frame and make sure the image is clear.

Entry Form

All entries are due by Friday, April 25th, 2025 at 4 p.m.



Previous Years Winners 

Invasive Species Resources


Full Brochure


Questions?    Contact Oneida County LCWD at 715-369-7835 or