Surveyed FAQ

Consider having your property surveyed is a good investment!

Why should I have my property surveyed?

Land and its improvements are a major financial investment; therefore, all land ownership boundaries should be located, monumented and mapped by a property survey performed by a Wisconsin Professional Land Surveyor and filed in public records. Land surveys done now often involve less time, concern and expense than moving a building or other improvements, revising plans or defending a boundary dispute in a court of law.

When should property be surveyed?
  1. When property is divided into parcels for sale or development.
  2. When the location of property boundaries or corners are uncertain.
  3. When property trespass or encroachment is evidenced or suspected.
  4. Prior to logging activities, construction or other development plans.
  5. When government regulations require a survey and map of your property. In Langlade County, most parcels being created which are less than 10 acres require a survey with a few exceptions.
  6. A lending agency may require a survey so they know all buildings and improvements are on the property, and also discover if there are any visible encroachments or any apparent use of any part of the property by others.
What will a surveyor do for me? 
  1. The legal description of your property and related records will be evaluated.
  2. Discuss why you need a survey, what type of survey you need, how well you need or want the boundary lines marked and how it will be used.
  3. Collect all the necessary data for the survey, such as: deeds, maps, highway plans, etc.
  4. Find or set boundary corners and measure between them. Measurements are compared to those in the deeds and maps. Buildings, fences and other pertinent structures may also be located.  
  5. A record of survey measurements, notes and computations will be made, a survey plat map prepared for public records, and appropriate government approvals obtained.
  6. Furnish you with as many copies of the plat as may be required at the time of the survey, all bearing a certificate and seal of the land surveyor.
  7. You will be informed of the discovery of any property description issue, boundary location problem, apparent trespass or encroachment, access issues or other related problems that you should be aware of.
  8. Serve as an expert witness, on behalf of the survey, if testimony is desired by the court.
How do I obtain a property survey?

Property surveys must be performed by a licensed professional land surveyor. Contact the Land Records Department for a list of surveyors or you can find the list on the department website. You can also seek the advice of local businesses such as realtors, bankers, title insurance companies and attorneys, or simply consult the “yellow pages” of the phone directory.An estimate of cost and a time schedule included in a contract document will normally be provided in writing by the Land Surveyor.