A thriving, diverse plant community along the shoreline is essential to the overall health of the lake ecosystem.  Unfortunately, as lots along the shoreline are developed, much of this beneficial “buffer zone” is destroyed.  The native plant communities that once held soil in place with their deep roots are often replaced with lawns of shallowly rooted turf grass mowed to the water’s edge. 

These changes in land cover around the lake have direct impacts on water quality within the lake.  Perhaps shoreland property owners first realize this when they notice fish populations declining.  Maybe an algae bloom has made the lake too toxic to recreate in.  Fewer birds, frogs, and wildlife are sighted along the shore.  Intensified bank erosion and problematic water runoff are beginning to uproot trees along the shoreline.  By removing the native vegetation, landowners have unknowingly created a shoreland environment that is ecologically dysfunctional.

Fortunately, many of these problems can be reversed by taking steps to restore the vegetative cover that was once present around the lake.  Explore more of the Shoreland Restoration site to discover:
  • Restoration Planning:  Steps to restore your own shoreline
  • Cost Share: Grant funding is available for voluntary restorations
  • Demo Sites: Public restoration sites to visit within Langlade County
  • Resources:  Books, websites, videos and more!
SARA Park Restoration in Tomahawk, WI.  A collaboration between Langlade County, Lincoln County, and the City of Tomahawk.
SARA Park Restoration in Tomahawk, WI.  A collaboration between Langlade County, Lincoln County, and the City of Tomahawk.     

Contact:  Katie Bahr-Bender - Land Conservationist
Phone: 715-627-6206
Fax: 715-627-6281
Click here to email
Mailing Address:  837 Clermont Street
Antigo, WI 54409