Welcome to the Langlade County Land Records & Regulations Department Webpage
Office Hours have changed!
The Land Records & Regulations Department is overseen by the Langlade County Water & Land Use Planning Committee. Information on the following can be obtained from the Land Records and Regulations Department.
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Real Property Listing
- Sanitation
- Zoning
- Shoreland Restoration
If you're having issues finding what you need, please call (715-627-6206) so we can assist you further. |
We can assist with questions on:
- Permits
- Sanitary permits and maintenance of private sewage systems
- Shoreland restrictions (within 1,000 feet of a lake or 300 feet of stream)
- Subdivision information (chapter -18)
- Nonmetallic mining (chapter-20)
- Parcel maps
- Survey records
- Rural Addressing
- Permitting fee's etc. (fee chart)
We cannot assist with questions on:
- Easments - The Land Records & Regulations Department does not have full, comprehensive records about easements. Easements are not something this office will be able to assist with.
We have a change in our operating hours effective 07/01/2024. Our new hours of operation will be as follows:
General Operation
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Walk-In Hours
To help manage high workloads due to work volumes, staff turnover, new software, and vacancies etc., beginning July 1st 2024 (and continuing until further notice), the Land Records & Regulations Department will now have set walk-in hours.
Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Permit Dropoff
Permits may be dropped off at any time, even when the office is closed. If you need to drop off permit applications when the office is not open, there is a Drop Box located to the West of the front door of the Resource Center.
Please Note:
Appointments or advanced notice are always recommended.
Especially if you need to meet with a specific staff member. If you want to meet with staff in-person, please call ahead (715-627-6206) and set up an appointment.
Office may be closed during posted hours due to: limited available staff hours; staff to attending meetings/appointments; conducting fieldwork.
*Current permit turn-around time is averaging 3-5 business days.
We encourage you to take a look at the resources here on our webpage first.
Contact: | Duane Haakenson - Director Phone: 715-627-6206 Fax: 715-627-6281 Click here to email |
Physical Address: | 837 Clermont Street
Antigo, WI 54409 Map |
Hours: | Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. |