The purpose of the Coroner's office of Langlade County is to provide professional investigations into all reportable deaths that occur within Langlade County including deaths that occur at home, in nursing homes and the first 24 hours at medical facilities. The Coroner's office works mutually with law enforcement while investigating deaths. The duties and responsibilities of the Coroner's Office are mandated by Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 979.

Coroner Larry Shadick is trained in Death and Crime Scene Investigation. While working as a Sheriff's Deputy for 31 years was in charge of all investigations for over 20 years. The Langlade County Coroner's office has a staff of highly qualified Deputy Coroners with a goal to provide the best professional death investigations for Langlade County

Contact:  Larry Shadick - Coroner
Phone: 715-216-0479
Click here to email
Mailing Address:  W7177 Cty. T, Pearson, WI 54462