Jury Information

Juror Qualifications

Jurors are randomly selected from the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Division of Motor Vehicles driver's license and identification list data base.

To be eligible to serve as a juror in Langlade County:
     - You must be a United States citizen
     - You must be a resident of Langlade County
     - You must be at least 18 years of age
     - You have not been summoned for jury duty for at least four (4) years
     - You must understand the English language
     - If convicted of a felony, your civil rights must be restored

Juror Information

Jury duty is the obligation of every citizen.  "Forgetting" to show up is not an excuse.  In fairness to jurors who do show up for jury duty, those who do not appear are held accountable for their actions.  Failure to appear for jury duty when summoned could result in contempt of court and sanctions may be imposed.

Jurors are generally required to report to the courthouse for jury service by 8:30 a.m., unless specifically directed otherwise.

Jurors who have any medication or other dietary needs should advise the jury bailiff accordingly.


Juror Parking

Parking is available in the Courthouse parking lot located off of Edison Street. Enter through the west entrance. Additional parking is available at the Resource Center, located at 837 Clermont Street.


Excuse of Service

Unless you have a very serious conflict, you will be expected to serve as a juror.  The Court may excuse a person from jury service if the Court determines that the person cannot fulfill the responsibilities of a juror.  

MEDICAL CONDITIONS:  If you have a medical condition that would prevent service as a juror, a medical excuse from your physician is recommended.


Juror Payments

Langlade County pays jurors at the rate of $13.75 for a half day of service and $27.50 for a full day of service, plus round trip mileage reimbursement at the rate of $.51/mile.


ADA Accommodations

Assistive hearing devices are available upon request.


Jury Scam Alert

Protect Yourself Against Jury Duty Scams 
-Court Officers will never ask for payment, a credit card or social security number for failure 
  to appear for jury duty
-Report suspicious activity immediately to your local law enforcement agency
-If you receive a phone call and want to verify it came from our office, you may call us at 715-627-6215



Jury FAQ's

Common juror questions